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Why Hindu Consider Cow Dung as Religious....Know its Scientific Benefits

Why Hindu Consider Cow Dung as Religious....Know its Scientific Benefits

Cow dung is otherwise known as cow pats, is the excreta of herbivores Bovine animal species such as domestic cattle, Bison, Yak, and water buffalo, which is cheap and easily available bioresource. Cow dung is the undigested residue of the plant matter which has passed through the animal's gut. The resultant faecal matter is very rich in minerals.

Cow dung can be harnessed and used in different areas like medicine, agriculture and industry. The wet cow dung is dried and pulverized to make the soap. It then undergoes heat treatment to destroy bacteria. Then it is added to essential oils like citronella, basil, and sandalwood.

Plastering floor with gobar is auspicious

The cow and cow dung is considered to be holy according to Hinduism. The cow dung can be used by Hindus to make Gauri Ganesh in the Puja Ceremony. In India cow dung and cow urine are considered sacred things. Many Hindus believe that drinking the urine of cows is good for health. In Indian villages applying cow dung is a part of the cleaning process. During the time of festivals, the rural people implant cow dung pastes on walls and floors.

People do this for making their houses pure just like urban people paint their houses to get the festive feel. Our ancestors considered plastering the floor with cow dung is auspicious. In India, mostly all rituals dictate the use of cow dung to plaster the floor.

Why Hindu Consider Cow Dung as Religious....Know its Scientific Benefits

Scientific benefits of plastering the floor with cowdung

The recent researches showed that there are several benefits in applying the cow dung on the walls and floors. Cow dung has the power to kill bacteria that are harmful to humans. Cow dung is considered to be good for human health. It is very rich in minerals and it has a great anti-bacterial factor. It prevents humans from various diseases and health issues. Cow dung acts as a very good disinfectant.

If the floor is plastered with cow dung, small insects like centipedes, scorpions won't come near to the floor. They are repelled because of the pungent smell of the cow dung. Our ancestors considered cow dung auspicious because they do not have as much money to buy the repellents, as well as these repellents, were not available in those days unlike now.

Apart from these, cow dung as a natural mosquito repellent. The mosquitoes will stay away from the places where the cow dung is applied. If we apply cow dung on the floor during the winter, it remains warm, while in the summer season, it will remain cold. In rural areas, people apply co-dung on the outer walls of their homes and let them dry. Villagers use these dry cow dung cakes as fuel.

Cow dung is used to remove oil and grease properties of any waste liquid. In cold places, cow dung is used to line the walls of rustic houses because cow dung acts as a Thermal insulator.

As time passed by, this became a ritual and we are still following as ritual in India in spite of being educated in this contemporary world.

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