Difference between Common Mistaken terms such as Guarantee & Warranty, HIV & AIDS, Effect & Affect..
GUARANTEE: Promise made by the seller that the product is of the Best Quality.
WARRANTY: The guarantee of repair or replacement of a product.
HIV: A virus that can weaken the Immune System.
AIDS: The syndrome that can cause Fatal Harm.
WEATHER: Can change Anytime and Varies a lot.
CLIMATE: A particular weather pattern of a Region.
ISLE: An Island.
AISLE: Passage between a row of seats.
AMIABLE: Used to Describe the type of person who is Friendly.
AMICABLE: Refers to a Relationship which is Friendly.
CUE: A signal for an Action.
QUEUE: A line or sequence of people or vehicles.
CYCLONE: High-Speed inward Spiral winds.
HURRICANE: Only cyclones over 74mph are Hurricanes.
EFFECT: Bringing About a Result.
AFFECT: To make a Difference.
DUAL: Having Two Parts.
DUEL: A fight for competition between two people.
ADVISE: Offer suggestions.
ADVICE: Guidance offered with regard to prudent action.